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Department of Languages

Current Information


On 28.3.2025, M.A. Tylečková´s office hours shall not take place.

On 1.4.2025, M.A. Janáková´s office hours shall not be held.


Except for the changes listed above, the overall schedule of the department´s office hours remains in effect and can be found here.


Information for 1st-year students of PhD studies 

During their studies, PhD students may attend the following subjects:

English for PhD students I (P834005)

English for PhD students II (P834006)

Effective Scientific Writing I (P834001)

Effective Scientific Writing II (P834002)

PhD students may also choose a course from the offer provided by the Institutional plan. This involves specialised courses of English and general courses of German, Russian, French and Spanish.

The course Presentations (CZV00052) is designed to help students prepare for the English scientific conference, which is an obligatory part of PhD studies and serves as an exam from the English language.

The information on the subjects and language courses provided shall be delivered to students via email in due advance. The email also contains information on the enrolment options and dates concerning the individual courses of interest.

Foreign students studying in Czech doctoral programmes have to attend a two-semester course of the Czech language:

Czech Language for PhD Students I (P834003)

Czech Language for PhD Students II (P834004)

For enrolment in the courses, contact Mgr. Ivana Gebeltová (email: ivana.gebeltova@vscht.cz).


Updated: 28.3.2025 00:29, Author: Martin Tomeš

B BUILDING B 4th Floor - Department of Languages
UCT Prague
5 Technická
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Data mail: sp4j9ch

Copyright UCT Prague 2014
Informations provided by Department of International Relations, Department of R&D, technical service by Computer Centre
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