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Credit/Exam Requirements



Credit requirements

To obtain a credit in an optional language course, it is necessary to fulfil the following requirements:

1. 80% attendance at the seminars

2. successful completion of the credit test

To obtain the credit, students need to meet the following requirements:

-          80% attendance in lessons

-          active participation, lesson-to-lesson study

-          successful completion of the credit test (50%)

  final oral exam (5-10 minute conversation with a tutor)

  The requirements apply to the following subjects:

Updated: 12.2.2025 01:33, Author: Martin Tomeš

B BUILDING B 4th Floor - Department of Languages
UCT Prague
5 Technická
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Data mail: sp4j9ch

Copyright UCT Prague 2014
Informations provided by Department of International Relations, Department of R&D, technical service by Computer Centre
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