Professional English Language A (B834001)
Credit requirements
To complete the subject succesfully, students need to pass a credit test.
Participation in lessons and additional exercises are not compulsory.
To obtain the credit, students need a minimum of 50 points (out of 70 points available):
The points are obtainable as follows:
Credit test 50 points maximum
Active participation in lessons 10 points maximum
Additional exercises 10 points maximum
The 1st official test term shall take place during the final week of the semester (for this term, students do not need to register via the SIS system and have to apologise to their tutor for their possible absence in advance).
As the credit test is obligatory, it is necessary for the students to register for any other test terms in the Student system.
If a student participates in a credit test early term (so called pre-term) and does not pass it, they are entitled to continue attending the classes and gathering more participation points. Then, they need to sit for another run of the credit test once they have increased the amount of the points obtained. The higher amount of the seminar points shall be added to the total number of all the points scored in the following credit test attempt. It cannot and will not be counted retrospectively.